Purchase Order

Purchase Order

What it is:
Purchase orders are generated for high value purchases or purchases requiring a signed contract.  Orders originate as requisitions created by a Business Office Fund Manager.  The UCLA Purchasing department is required to review all requisitions.  If approved by UCLA Purchasing, a purchase order number is created for the request.

Note:  Departments are strongly encouraged to submit requisition requests at least 3-6 weeks in advance of the expected transaction date to provide UCLA Purchasing with sufficient time for review.

The UCLA Purchasing Department website at http://www.purchasing.ucla.edu provides access to the latest policies and procedures regarding vendor agreements, purchasing protocols, and all other information related to purchasing at the University.

When to use purchase orders:
1) The transaction exceeds $5,000, or
2) The purchase requires a signed contract or terms & conditions not covered by an existing commodity agreement

Note:  Do not sign vendor contracts and agreements.  UCLA Purchasing has the sole responsibility and authority to do so.

How to purchase using purchase orders:

1) Contact the vendor to obtain a quote or verify the price of the item(s) you wish to purchase.  Note that requisition purchases should not be completed until authorized by UCLA Purchasing.

2) Submit all of the following to your Business Office Fund Manager:

  • Completed Universal Form (click here for instructions) 
    • Full detail of the goods to be purchased
    • Funding source (FAU)
    • Business justification
    • Approval signature
  • Any additional supporting materials you may have

3) Your Fund Manager will review the request.  If no additional information is required, he/she will create a requisiton request in BruinBuy and forward the supporting materials to UCLA Purchasing.  Please note that a PAN notice is generated when the requisition request is created.  This is not a valid order and should not be sent to your vendor.

4) A Purchasing Buyer will be assigned to review the requistion request.  When approved, requests are issued a purchase order number with a P class number (e.g. 0300 PHK123).  You will be notified of the order number via PAN notice.  Click here for information on accessing PANs.

5) Once an order number has been assigned, you may place the order with the vendor.  Please provide the order number to the vendor as the subsequent invoice should include this information.  Click here for information on how to fax orders to vendors via BruinBuy.

Step 7: When you have received the invoices from your vendor, please verify that the invoice is correct and that the correct order number is referenced on the invoice.

6) When you receive the vendor's original invoice, review the invoice details for accuracy.  If necessary, please write the purchase order number on the invoice.

7) Forward the invoice immediately to your Business Office Fund Manager to initiate the payment process.

Depending on the workload of UCLA Central Accounts Payable, payments are generally processed within 2-3 weeks after the invoice receipt.  Payment status can be checked via BruinBuy.  Click here for instructions on checking payment status.

Updated 4/25/2011