Open For Good Environmental Metrics

Environmental Metrics

How a company’s operations impact the natural environment is a key component of understanding sustainability performance. The Open For Good™ project focuses on four principal areas that are both important to environmental sustainability and within the ability of companies to measure: greenhouse gas emissions, use of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures to report greenhouse gas emissions management, water usage and land usage.


The graph below shows how companies performed on each metric. A green circle indicates a company discloses the relevant information. A yellow circle indicates a company discloses some of the information requested. And a red circle indicates that a company does not disclose any relevant information.

Guide to Environmental Metrics


GHG emissions: Does the company disclose its Scope 1 emissions

GHG emissions: Does the company disclose its Scope 2 emissions

GHG emissions: Does the company disclose its Scope 3 emissions

TCFD: Does the company disclose a description of its governance around climate-related risks and opportunities?

TCFD: Does the company disclose a description of management’s role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities?

TCFD: Does the company disclose a description of climate-related risks and opportunities it has identified over the short, medium and long terms?

TCFD: Does the company disclose a description of the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization’s business strategy and financial planning?

TCFD: Does the company disclose a description of the resilience of its strategy, taking into consideration different climate-related scenarios, including a 2 degree Celsius or lower scenario?

TCFD: Does the company disclose a description of its processes for identifying and assessing climate-related risks?

TCFD: Does the company disclose a description of its process for managing climate-related risks?

TCFD: Does the company disclose a description of how processes for identifying, assessing and managing climate-related risks are integrated into the organization’s overall risk management?

TCFD: Does the company disclose the metrics it uses to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process?

TCFD: Does the company disclose the targets it uses to manage climate-related risks and opportunities, as well as performance against those targets?

Land use: Does the company disclose the number and area of sites owned, leased or managed in or adjacent to protected areas of key biodiversity areas?

Water use: Does the company disclose the amount of water withdrawn for its operations?

Water use: Does the company report the percentage of water withdrawn from high or extremely high baseline water stress, according to the World Resources Institute’s aqueduct water risk tool?

Water use: Does the company disclose the amount of water consumed for its operations?

Water use: Does the company report the percentage of water consumed from high or extremely high baseline water stress, according to the World Resources Institute’s aqueduct water risk tool?


Scope 1: Greenhouse gas emissions from sources that the company owns or controls (Link to

Scope 2: Greenhouse gas emissions arising from energy purchased for operations (Link to

Scope 3: Greenhouse gas emissions related to the full value chain of a company’s operations. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol defines 15 categories of Scope 3 emissions: Purchased goods and services; Capital goods; Fuel- and energy-related activities; Upstream transportation and distribution; Waste generated in operations; Business travel; Employee commuting; Upstream leased assets; Downstream transportation and distribution; Processing of sold products; Use of sold products; End-of-life treatment of sold products; Downstream leased assets; Franchises; and Investments. (Links to:  AND

TCFD: The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

Learn more about the Transparency rankings for each individual topic area below:
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