


Business Databases by Name (A-Z) Alphabetical listing of all business databases available via the Rosenfeld Library (with useful, non-business databases shown, too). Each database is briefly described.

Business Databases by Category
Quickly identify the best go-to databases, either by (1)  content type (analyst reports, company financials, market research, statistics, articles, books, etc.) or by (2)  business subjects covered (companies, industries, international markets, demographics, venture capital/private equity, etc.).

Anderson Proxy Server / Remote Access - For Current Anderson School Students, Faculty, and Staff:
Configure the Anderson Proxy Server on any web browser you use  on equipment under YOUR own control  and connect to databases when you're away from the UCLA Anderson complex: When you're at home, or at an airport, or in a hotel room or conference center [but  not when you're in an office building, or anywhere else that  another proxy server or a firewall may be in place].  Please note:   All databases labeled   require the Anderson Proxy Server at  all times ,  including when you are in the Anderson School complex and logged in to the Anderson School network.

For the rest of UCLA—Current UCLA Students, Faculty, and Staff:
For remote access to subscription databases, be sure to use the  Bruin OnLine (BOL) Proxy Server or the  UCLA VPN client (Virtual Private Networking) . Please note that databases labeled   are only available to  currently-authorized members of the Anderson School community, and are  not  available publicly on-site at the Rosenfeld Library.

Page last updated November 26, 2019