TPM Conference

You're Invited


Theory and Practice in Marketing
(TPM Conference)

May 16-18, 2018

UCLA Meyer and Renee Luskin Conference Center
425 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095

The 8th annual Theory and Practice in Marketing (TPM) Conference was held on the UCLA campus in Los Angeles, California from May 16 - 18, 2018. The conference was sponsored and hosted by the Morrison Family Center for Marketing and Data Analytics at the UCLA Anderson School of Management.

The TPM Conference was founded on the belief that a big part of marketing academia is too far removed from addressing substantive problems, focusing on narrower methodological issues and esoterica phenomena disconnected with real world application. This lack of focus threatens to make our field irrelevant and undermines the legitimacy of research at business schools.

Event Highlights


Call for Submissions


We invite your submissions to the 8th Theory and Practice of Marketing (TPM) Conference at UCLA Anderson. Previous TPM Conferences were hosted by the Darden School of Business, Columbia Business School, Harvard Business School, London Business School, Kellogg School of Management, J. Mack Robinson College of Business, and Texas A & M University.

The TPM Conference believes a big part of the marketing academia is too far removed from addressing substantive problems, focusing on narrower methodological issues and esoteric phenomena disconnected with real world application. This lack of focus threatens to make our field irrelevant and undermines the legitimacy of research at business schools.

The TPM Conference addresses this issue by showcasing research that focuses on substantive business problems supported by a sound methodology. The emphasis of research should be on relevance and impact with broad managerial implications.

Submission Guidelines:

We encourage you to submit your most impactful research for presentation at the TPM Conference. Submissions should be no more than 10 PowerPoint slides and must include the following:

  1. Audience and Motivation: What is your research motivation? Whose problem are you solving? In the first one to two slides, clearly establish the research motivation and identify a target audience and the issue they’re grappling with.
  2. Results: In the next one to two slies, describe the principle finds in words.
  3. Method: In the next three to five slides, briefly describe your methods, specific numerical results, and limitations/generalizability.
  4. Linking Theory to Practice: On the last slide, clearly describe how your research links marketing theory to practice.

Remember that the audience is not purely academic, so your slides and presentation need to be easily understood by both scholars and managers.

A committee of experts will select the submissions to be presented at the conference. Judging from previous years’ conferences, selection is highly competitive.


Please email your slides to:

Instructions for Submitting 2018 TPM Conference Papers to JMR

The deadline for submission of conference papers to JMR for consideration in the special TPM section is October 1, 2018. Authros should submit their manuscripts through the regular JMR portal (do not send them to the TPM committee) and answer "yes" and write "TPM" for the question regarding whether the paper is for a special issue. JMR will provide special instructions to AE's and reviewers for consideration of the conference papers. A select group of AE's will handle the papers, drawn from members of the TPM committee, TPM conference chairs, practice prize winners, and other practice-oriented senior scholars. Manuscripts invited for revision will need to adhere to submission deadlines in a tight revision schedule (i.e. 6 months instead of 1 year).

For any inquiries regarding the TPM Conference, please email Riana Hull,



UCLA Meyer & Renee Luskin Conference Center
425 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095
(855) 522-8252

Make your reservations by clicking here or by calling the Luskin Center and reserving room under the block, “TPM Conference.”

NOTE: Please note that the room block deadline is April 16. After that date, the conference rate of $239 per night is no longer guaranteed and rooms may not be available. We urge you to make your hotel reservations early.

*Rooms booked through the Luskin Center website do not have special conference pricing.