Some Of My Recent Editorials



"Michelle, ¡no nos falles!"  (La Tercera, March 12, 2006)

"Con el pie derecho" (La Tercera, February 5, 2006)

"El "nuevo trato" y el gobierno de Bachelet" (La Tercera, January 1, 2006)

"Un dólar bajo es malo para Chile" (La Tercera, January 15, 2006)



“Latin America’s Education Deficit” (Project Syndicate)

“Will the US “Lose” Latin America?” (Project Syndicate)

"El complicado futuro de nuestros vecinos" (La Tercera, December 11, 2005)

"Arde Paris" (La Tercera, November 13, 2005)

"¿Perderá EEUU América Latina?" (La Tercera. November 12, 2005)

"La Cumbre Iberoamericana y la globalización" (October 16 2005)



“The IMF Needs a Leader from the Emerging Countries” (Project Syndicate, March 2004)

"Europe should give up its hold on the Fund" (The Financial Times, March 16, 2004)

"Penurias Cambiarias" (El Diario Financiero, March 12, 2004)

"El año 1971 en la calle República" (La Tercera, January 4, 2004)



"No sirve la retórica anti-FMI" (Clarin, September 4, 2003)

"China should not rush to float its currency" (The Financial Times, August 3, 2003)

"Washington turns a blind eye to Brazil" (The Financial Times, January 19, 2003)

"How Chile can Make the Most of its U.S. Trade Deal" (The Wall Street Journal, January 3, 2003)



"Will Latin America Take the Populist Path?" (Distributed by the Los Angeles Times Syndicate, October 2002) 

"Brazil's Only Hope of Avoiding Collapse" (The Financial Times, August 4, 2002)  

"Defending Latin America" (The Financial Times, July 4, 2002) 

"A Simple Answer for Argentina:  Follow Chile's Example" (The Wall Street Journal, January 25, 2002) 

"This Argentine Scheme" (The Financial Times, January 21, 2002) 



"Be Tough, but Remain Engaged" (America Economia, October, 2001) 

"Latin Politicians High Tech Dreams Neglect the Basics" (Wall Street Journal, May 25th, 2001) 

"The False Promise of Dollarization" (Financial Times, May 11, 2001) 

"The U.S. Economic Slowdown and Latin America" (Time Magazine, January 8th, 2001) 



"A Gift of Art to Inspire War-Weary Colombia" (The Wall Street Journal, December, 2000)

"Argentina Flunks Education Reform 101" (The Wall Street Journal, October, 2000)

"Is Chile Ready for a New Miracle?" (The Wall Street Journal, September, 2000)

"A Strong Peso is not an Overvalued Peso" (On the Mexican peso.  The Wall Street Journal, 2000)

"Chile's New President, General Pinochet and the Political Right" (Distributed by Project Syndicate and published in a number of papers around the world, January, 2000)

"Thanks Mr. Hoffa, but Chile has Plenty of Labor Laws" (The Wall Street Journal, January, 2000)



"The IMF is Panama's Lender of First Resort" (The Wall Street Journal, September 1999)

"Chile's 'New Socialist' Bids for the Presidency" (The Wall Street Journal, June 1999)

"Looking for Light at Tunnel's End" (Los Angeles Times, January 1999). This piece deals with the Brazilian currency crisis.



"Brasilia is Playing Chicken with Investors" (Wall Street Journal, December 1998)

"Abolish the IMF" (Financial Times, November 1998)

"Barking Up the Wrong Tree" (Financial Times, October 1998). This piece deals with capital controls.